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From YouTube: Keynote: What It's Like to Bring DevOps to a Software Factory in Central America - Alvin Estrada


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Keynote: What It's Like to Bring DevOps to a Software Factory in Central America - Alvin Estrada, Cloud Architect, GuateGeeks

Speakers: Alvin Estrada
In 2020, lots of companies around the world realized that most of their technology and methodologies were already obsolete. 10 years ago, that started a race inside those companies to keep alive the business while designing, building, and improving online platforms.

This opened a big necessity of the misnamed "DevOps," a being that handles the knowledge to deploy anything to the Cloud with "Dockers" (or at least that's what most of the people think it is).

In this talk, Alvin will share his experience helping a Software Factory Company to reach the goal of a DevOps Culture.