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From YouTube: Kubernet-Bees: How Bees Solve Problems Of Distributed Systems - Simon Emms & Christian Weichel


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Kubernet-Bees: How Bees Solve Problems Of Distributed Systems - Simon Emms & Christian Weichel, Gitpod

Speakers: Christian Weichel, Simon Emms
Many CNCF participants use bees as logos (e.g. eBPF, Cilium, GiantSwam, Honeycomb). This is no coincidence; the two worlds have more in common than you might think. Honey bees are social animals which operate as a distributed system. As experienced beekeepers and cloud-native engineers, the similarities between bees and Kubernetes are fascinating. Bee hives autoscale, self-heal, have message passing mechanisms, service discovery, and RBAC. For bee colonies, these are fundamental processes which must be cost-effective. This talk is an introduction to the fascinating world of honey bees, explains how bees have solved problems we face on a daily basis as Kubernetes users and gives an outlook on features that are missing from Kubernetes which bees support today.