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From YouTube: CRI-O’s Senior Year - Peter Hunt, Urvashi Mohnani, Mrunal Patel, Red Hat


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CRI-O’s Senior Year - Peter Hunt, Urvashi Mohnani, Mrunal Patel, Red Hat

Speakers: Urvashi Mohnani, Peter Hunt, Mrunal Patel
As CRI-O approaches CNCF graduation, it continues in its mission to provide a stable and secure OCI implementation of the Kubernetes CRI. Join the CRI-O team as they give an overview of CRI-O as well as talk about some new work, such as the progress on the new container monitor conmon-rs, rewritten completely in Rust. The team will also talk about the integration with sigstore to secure CRI-O’s supply chain as well as some of the interesting work being done in CRI-O to stay in-line with upstream Kubernetes. These include the stats collection rework as well as the work to support evented PLEG. Audience members will leave with an understanding of what CRI-O is, and where it is going.