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From YouTube: Don't Mind the Gap: Securely Accessing Cloud Resources From Anywhere With SPIFFE/SPIRE - Evan Gilman


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Don't Mind the Gap: Securely Accessing Cloud Resources From Anywhere With SPIFFE/SPIRE - Evan Gilman, VMware

Of all the things you can do with SPIFFE and SPIRE, accessing cloud services from anywhere without having to generate, store, or manage API keys is a particularly powerful one. Without it, answering simple questions such as "How can I access an S3 bucket from Azure?" means solving for headaches like encryption at rest, tokens that never expire, and manual rotation processes. Unfortunately, this is still par for the course in many environments, but SPIRE is here to help.

In this session, we will go over the basics of identity federation with SPIFFE and SPIRE, which brings the "Sign in with Google" experience to cloud native workloads. We'll discuss how this approach compares to others, and demonstrate how you can use it to securely access AWS resources and more without a secret access key.