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From YouTube: Trust But Verify: Bringing Supply Chain Integrity To CD GitOps - Yuji Watanabe & Hirokuni Kitahara


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Trust But Verify: Bringing Supply Chain Integrity To CD GitOps - Yuji Watanabe & Hirokuni Kitahara, IBM Research

Speakers: Yuji Watanabe, Hirokuni Kitahara
Using GitOps automation to deliver Kubernetes cloud native applications allows management of infrastructure in the same way you manage application code, but lacks the supply chain controls needed to ensure integrity and tamper-proof deployments. Whilst application source dependencies have quickly benefited from SBOMs, transparency logs, and cryptographic signatures, delivery side automation has not participated in the end to end integrity guarantees. Using CD Gitops, Kubernetes manifests are composed from multiple source assets, across several locations, each having their own potential sources of malicious or accidental tampering. Template based mutations occur throughout continuous deployment and prohibit typical signing and verification methods. This talk describes how a properly instrumented CD GitOps process can be extended to provide verification of source assets with cluster enforcement of signatures and policy permissions. By combining keyless signing via Sigstore and intersecting control points throughout GitOps, accurate cryptographic signing of source assets can be obtained and transparency of configuration provenance produced. Finally using an admission controller such as integrity shield, cluster enforcement validates pipeline integrity.