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From YouTube: SIGs Aren’t Silos: A Case Study Into Solving Inter-Domain... Swetha Repakula & Antonio Ojea Garcia


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SIGs Aren’t Silos: A Case Study Into Solving Inter-Domain Problems In Kubernetes Development - Swetha Repakula, Google & Antonio Ojea Garcia, RedHat

The Kubernetes project development activity is organized into Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Each SIG is composed of members from multiple companies and organizations, with a common purpose of advancing the project with respect to a specific topic, such as Networking, Testing, Node or Documentation . Most of the time, tasks fall neatly within a SIG that is vertically focused on a particular component or domain area. However, what happens when those changes have an impact broader than that SIG? What happens because SIGs operate as silos? This talk is a case study in a recent cross-sig bug where a subtle behavior change by one SIG led to an outage causing bug in another. Due to the subtlety and cross-SIG nature of the bug, it went unnoticed for 6 months. Antonio and Swetha will walk through the incident and share the lessons learned.