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From YouTube: What We Learned From the Gateway API: Designing Linkerd’s New Policy CRD - Matei David, Buoyant, Inc


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What We Learned From the Gateway API: Designing Linkerd’s New Policy CRD - Matei David, Buoyant, Inc

Speakers: Matei David
Since the introduction of the new Gateway APIs, created by the SIG Network community, Linkerd maintainers have been working on leveraging a new pattern known as policy attachment in Linkerd’s authorization mechanism. In this talk, Matei, a Linkerd maintainer, will briefly cover the collection of Gateway APIs, what policy attachment represents, and how it works in practice, and uncover how Linkerd’s authorization policies have been revised with the policy attachment pattern in mind. Policy attachment, as outlined by the SIG Network community, allows platform-level policies, such as timeouts, retries, and custom health checks, to attach to any arbitrary Kubernetes type. This enables users to create custom policies that extend, and plug into the API instead of being a concrete part of it.