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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Where Did All My IPs Go? - Cynthia Thomas, Google


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Lightning Talk: Where Did All My IPs Go? - Cynthia Thomas, Google

Kubernetes cluster planning requires quite a few things to get started. What about IPs? Common IP management hurdles with Kubernetes clusters include IP assignments when building a cluster and challenges faced when deploying in a multi-faceted environment. Kubernetes Admins often need to use IP addressing handed out by Network Admins juggling other non-k8s workload IP assignments and IP exhaustion. In this talk, Cynthia will discuss new and existing KEPs that SIG-network has implemented to help mitigate IP challenges. Such features include discontiguous cluster CIDRs and the journey to IPv6. Cynthia will also discuss how the best practices for Kubernetes IP management are changing with these new capabilities to help scale and grow instead of rebuild.