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From YouTube: Exiting Ingress With the Gateway API - Rob Scott, Google & Shane Utt, Kong, Inc.


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Exiting Ingress With the Gateway API - Rob Scott, Google & Shane Utt, Kong, Inc.

Speakers: Rob Scott, Shane Utt
Are you currently using Ingress but curious about what Gateway API is? Wondering if you should switch to Gateway API or how that would even work? This is the talk for you. The development of Gateway API has unlocked a wide set of new capabilities within Kubernetes, but it can also be overwhelming to understand the full scope of it. In this talk, Rob and Shane will answer some of the most common questions they get as Gateway API maintainers, including what you gain over using the Ingress API. They’ll walk through a step-by-step demo of what it takes to get started with Gateway API. This demo will show you how to migrate from Ingress to Gateway API and showcase some of the newest features in Gateway API, including traffic splitting between backends in different namespaces.