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From YouTube: BoF: Intro to Open Source Licenses and Q&A - Jeff Shapiro, The Linux Foundation


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BoF: Intro to Open Source Licenses and Q&A - Jeff Shapiro, The Linux Foundation

Speakers: Jeff Shapiro
All open source projects contain one, and possibly many open source licenses. Whether you are consuming, contributing, or using a project downstream with your own code, you need to understand how those licenses will impact your project and your company. We will start with an overview of basic license information, and then open up the floor to discussion and Q&A for more advanced license topics, as well as your specific project use cases. This BoF session is suitable for anyone who wants to know more about open source licenses, from beginner to advanced topics. The presenter is the License Scanning Manager for The Linux Foundation, and has 30 years experience in the software industry, including 10 years in software auditing, open source license scanning, and training developers in OSS license compliance.