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From YouTube: Keynote: Hello eBPF! Goodbye Sidecars? - Liz Rice, Chief Open Source Officer, Isovalent


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Keynote: Hello eBPF! Goodbye Sidecars? - Liz Rice, Chief Open Source Officer, Isovalent

The Sidecar model is often used in Kubernetes deployments to add common tools like observability, service mesh and security into application pods.

eBPF is a kernel technology that lets us dynamically change the way that the kernel behaves - and it’s revolutionizing the way we instrument applications running under Kubernetes. Tools built with eBPF have the power to observe, secure and connect all the processes on a (virtual) machine, so there’s no need to inject a sidecar container into every pod.

Does eBPF mean we’ll be saying goodbye to sidecars? Attend this talk to find out!