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From YouTube: Environmental Sustainability: An Energy-Aware Datacenter Operating Sy... Ying-Feng Hsu & Yuki Sogawa


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Environmental Sustainability: An Energy-Aware Datacenter Operating System - Ying-Feng Hsu & Yuki Sogawa, Osaka University

Data centers are currently using 2% of the world's energy. With the increases in the scale of cloud edge computing systems and other services, data center power consumption is expected to increase about 15 times in the next 10 years. High-performance applications and services are always beneficial, but this does not mean that power consumption needs to increase as a result. This talk covers an energy-aware datacenter operating system (EADOS) that manipulates several types of open-source software to realize energy savings in distributed computing environments. EADOS uses Zabbix and Prometheus continuously collect thousands of data center operating parameters from all servers, sensors, and HVAC cooling systems. Those collected data are further optimized by Apache Kafka stream processing to produce event-driven, machine-learning ready data on a runtime basis, which facilitates the building of various machine learning models. A Kubernetes based workload optimizer use instructions from machine learning models to enable optimal Pods to Nodes assignment to realize data center energy efficiency and service performance. We will use a real data center with 200+ servers to demonstrate this concept to show how EADOS enhances business effects through a lens of environmental sustainability.