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From YouTube: Embrace DevOps Practices to ML Pipeline Development - Tommy Li & Yihong Wang, IBM


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Embrace DevOps Practices to ML Pipeline Development - Tommy Li & Yihong Wang, IBM

DevOps practices are broadly adopted to facilitate the software development, testing, delivery and deployment cycles. It also smooths the transition of a software application from development to production. Kubeflow is a machine learning (ML) toolkit on top of Kubernetes. Kubeflow Pipelines with Tekton is an end-to-end workflow orchestration tool which manages the pipelines execution on Tekton backend. Enabling DevOps practices to complete the integration of end-to-end workflow is part of our journey while developing kfp-tekton. I will share the experience about consolidating ML end-to-end scenarios, Build/Deployment status dashboard, Slack channel notification into the DevOps process alongside the Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) on target Kubernetes cluster. I will also cover the tools and services to overcome the challenges we faced.