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From YouTube: Efficient AutoML with Ludwig, Ray, and Nodeless Kubernetes - Anne Marie Holler + Travis Addair


Efficient AutoML with Ludwig, Ray, and Nodeless Kubernetes - Anne Marie Holler, Elotl + Travis Addair, Predibase

The open-source platforms Ludwig and Ray make Deep Learning (DL) accessible to diverse users, by reducing complexity barriers to training, scaling, deploying, and serving DL models. Recently, Ludwig was extended to support AutoML, for tabular datasets (v0.4.1) and for text classification datasets (v0.5.0), using Ray Tune for hyperparameter search. In this talk, we discuss how Ludwig AutoML exploits heuristics developed using a set of training datasets to efficiently produce models for validation datasets. And we show how running Ludwig AutoML on cloud Kubernetes clusters, using Nodeless K8s to add right-sized GPU resources when they are needed and to remove them when not, reduces cost and operational overhead vs running directly on EC2.