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From YouTube: Computer Vision Dog Breed Classification with Convol... Konstantinos Andriopoulos, Dorothea Kalliora


Computer Vision Dog Breed Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks, TensorFlow and Kubeflow - Konstantinos Andriopoulos, Dorothea Kalliora, Arrikto

Sick of strangers at the dog park constantly commenting on how good looking your pup is, but at a loss when they ask, “What breed is it?” Me too! Why not use AI to answer the question for you? For data scientists looking for an open source and scalable way to tackle these sorts of problems, Kubernetes and Kubeflow make analyzing content in images and video much easier than trying to build everything from scratch and run it on bare metal or VMs. In this talk we’ll work through the development of a Notebook that leverages the combined powers of TensorFlow, ResNet-50 models, convolutional neural networks, VGG16, and transfer learning to see how accurately these algorithms can predict the breed of my dog. Spoiler alert! I have the genealogy results, so there will be a big reveal with DNA pitted against a variety of algorithms.