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From YouTube: On Data Locality in Kubernetes - Chen Wang, IBM Research & Shouwei Chen , Alluxio


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On Data Locality in Kubernetes - Chen Wang, IBM Research & Shouwei Chen , Alluxio

While Kubernetes has made it exceptionally easy to deploy and scale data-intensive applications elastically, accessing data from cloud-native data sources (like AWS S3 or sometimes remote data warehouses) becomes more challenging. Platform engineers often have to copy data to optimize the I/O throughput, which is error-prone and time-consuming. As the Kubernetes ecosystem matures and becomes more efficient, this challenge gets more imperative to address, and different attempts are being made to bring back data locality and influence workload scheduling. In this talk, we will discuss the pros and cons of different approaches to emulate or introduce data locality in Kubernetes schedulers. We believe this will become crucial for Kubernetes to achieve higher efficiency in the near future for data-intensive workloads.