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From YouTube: Building Armada – Running Batch Jobs at Massive Scale on Kubernetes - Jamie Poole, G-Research


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Building Armada – Running Batch Jobs at Massive Scale on Kubernetes - Jamie Poole, G-Research

Thousands of GPUs. Hundreds of thousands of CPUs. Learn how (and why!) G-Research designed and built Armada - a system to enable massive throughput of batch jobs running on Kubernetes. In this session you’ll hear how we use large scale batch compute on Kubernetes to spot patterns in financial markets and predict the future. Armada enables us to schedule millions of batch jobs across many clusters and tens of thousands of nodes, getting optimum utilisation of our hardware to enable our researchers to run the latest machine-learning and advanced data science techniques across vast datasets. We’ll cover the architecture and approach of Armada, challenges and techniques for running Kubernetes at scale and some war stories and lessons learned along the way.