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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: CNCF Batch Working Group Update - Alex Scammon, G-Research


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Lightning Talk: CNCF Batch Working Group Update - Alex Scammon, G-Research

This talk will present an update from the CNCF Batch System Initiative Working Group, a newly-created group set up to discuss batch scheduling conversation at the end-user level. It will focus on how the users and operators of today’s batch workloads currently interact with the many various cloud-native batch-related projects like Volcano, Armada, MCAD, Yunikorn, Slurm, HTCondor, etc.. Ideally, the hope is to provide some rough guidance and information for the CNCF community on these higher-level batch scheduling approaches since the landscape remains fairly opaque.

This presentation will discuss what the working group has worked on so far, what it's hoping to achieve, and (crucially!) how this working group is different (but closely related!) to the Kubernetes Batch working group.