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From YouTube: Coordinate Workloads Colocation: QoS-Oriented Scheduling Enhancement on K8s - Zuowei Zhang & Tao Li


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Coordinate Workloads Colocation: QoS-Oriented Scheduling Enhancement on K8s - Zuowei Zhang & Tao Li, Alibaba Cloud

Kubernetes provides well-defined QoS Classes on pod as guaranteed, burstable, and best-effort. Users can colocate different QoS workloads to achieve resource overcommitment and improve cluster utilization. However, with scale increasing and workloads diversified, some limitations are becoming more: · Lower QoS will be easily throttled or killed once node runs out of resources · The noisy neighbor problem effects the performance of latency-sensitive application · Local hot spots affect the global We implements Koordinator based on Kubernetes with several add-ons to provide QoS-oriented scheduling enhancements: · Definition of sub-QoS classes for complex workloads in co-location scenarios and compatible with the Kubernetes existing QoS semantics · Using dynamic metrics of nodes and pod to provide a more reliable model for resource overcommitment, including resource usage profile and micro metrics such as CPU scheduling, memory allocate latency · Applying fine-grained resource orchestration and isolation mechanism on node to solve the noisy neighbor problem and improve the efficiency of latency-sensitive workloads and batch jobs