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From YouTube: Panel Discussion: Fragmentation of the Batch Ecosystem in Kubernetes, Challenges and Solutions -


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Panel Discussion: Fragmentation of the Batch Ecosystem in Kubernetes, Challenges and Solutions - Moderated by Abdullah Gharaibeh, Google; Diana J. Arroyo, IBM; Wilfred Spiegelenburg, Cloudera; Daniel Milroy, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Albin S

Kubernetes historically focused on service-type workloads, support for load balancing, rolling-updates, spreading and autoscaling are few examples of features the community built for service workloads. While support for Batch workloads lagged in Kubernetes core, recent progress has been made to make Kubernetes a native home for batch workloads including major feature and scalability enhancements to the Job API and the establishments of the batch working group. This panel will discuss what is still missing in core k8s for batch support, what functionalities do we need to push upstream, and what should continue to be loosely defined so that we don't impose specific semantics on how batch jobs should run on k8s.
4:50pm – 5:00pm O