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From YouTube: Vertically Scaling Kubernetes Clusters


At Intuit, we’ve been building our Kubernetes Platform for several years now. We are running our kubernetes clusters on Amazon EKS. As more services are onboarded into Kubernetes clusters we realized we were running out of Ingress subnets as we provision Alb Ingress for every service. As we were reaching thresholds on the Ingres subnets instead of creating new clusters we thought of scaling the clusters vertically by expanding VPC's. This process of scaling Kubernetes clusters vertically by expanding VPC's should be done seamlessly so that we do not run into any issues with services already running on them.
We adopted a gitops framework where we update the VPC's using a configuration file that gets translated to cloudformation stacks and then gets executed on the target account where we want to expand VPC. Once VPC is expanded then we use a Gitops framework to update the kubernetes cluster by passing in the expansion name so that the cluster can then consume the new subnets created and assign the subnets to ALB's that have least used subnets this helped us reduce creation of additional kubernetes clusters and hence the overhead.