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From YouTube: PaaS on Kubernetes: Journey of Making Cloud Foundry Kubernetes Native - Sakala Venkata Krishna Rohit


Don't miss KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2020 events in Amsterdam March 30 - April 2, Shanghai July 28-30 and Boston November 17-20! The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects - Learn more at

PaaS on Kubernetes : Journey of Making Cloud Foundry Kubernetes Native - Sakala Venkata Krishna Rohit, SUSE

The two technologies for deploying cloud native apps are Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry. Cloud Foundry uses BOSH and Gardner for managing infrastructure and container orchestration. Project KubeCF is a set of Kube Operators which enables Cloud Foundry to use Kube instead. These operators provide you the following features : QuarksStatefulSet Operator - B/G Canary Active/Passive Deployments, Volume Management, AZ Suppor QuarksJob Operator - Errands, Persisted Output, Versioned Secrets QuarksSecret Operator - Auto Generate Pass., Keys, Certificates, Secret Rotation QuarksBoshDeployment Operator - Convert CF BOSH release manifests into Kube. Project KubeCF combines all these operators and brings features of a PaaS offering on top of Kube. In this session, I will also demo KubeCF showing how easy it is to do complete lifecycle management of an application using simple CF commands on kube.