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From YouTube: Sponsored Keynote: Down with Container Silos. All Hail the Unified Approach: Bringi... Andrew Assauw


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Sponsored Keynote: Down with Container Silos. All Hail the Unified Approach: Bringing Together Containers, Apps, and Functions - Andrew Assauw, Technical Specialists Leader, IBM Cloud and Cognitive, ANZ

Cloud-native developers today have to decide between 3 separate container platforms. Some choose the flexibility of containers with Kubernetes, others the velocity of an opinionated platform like CloudFoundry and some believe the future is all about serverless functions. How do you know which ones to use? And should you have to pick? In this keynote, Andrew Assauw will share his vision for the marriage of containers, apps, and functions -- driven by Kubernetes, Istio and the emergence of Knative into a single combined container platform. It’s time to break down the silos and see how these projects’ paths are converging to solve real microservice dilemmas: security, scale, and operations.