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From YouTube: Keynote: Multicluster Strategies to “Kubernetify” Legacy Apps - Sai Vennam, Developer Advocate, IBM


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Keynote: Multicluster Strategies to “Kubernetify” Legacy Apps - Sai Vennam, Developer Advocate, IBM

Container-based application architectures powered by Kubernetes have seen large-scale adoption and have become the industry standard for developing new cloud-native applications. However, the overwhelming majority have existing legacy applications they need to modernize, while also innovating with the latest and greatest cloud-native technologies.

A standard pattern for modernization is to leverage a hybrid or multi-cluster approach, easing the path to the cloud by integrating your apps running anywhere: on-prem, private and public clouds. In this talk, I’ll outline key modernization strategies using multi-cluster Kubernetes, and service mesh capabilities with Istio. Then we’ll dive into a real-world demo, where we'll “kubernetify” a sample legacy application and integrate it with services across multiple clusters, all while maintaining a stack based on open-source technologies.