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From YouTube: Take the Edge to the Cloud with OpenYurt and EdgeX Foundry - Yixing Jia & Chao Zheng


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Take the Edge to the Cloud with OpenYurt and EdgeX Foundry - Yixing Jia, VMware & Chao Zheng, Alibaba Cloud

According to the application-container market report, Edge applications can benefit a lot from using the application container model. Kubernetes(K8S) has been proven effective in managing containers on the cloud. However, the edge applications are usually fragmented, i.e., various protocols, hardware, etc., making it challenging to use K8S in the edge environment. As a plug-and-play Open Source IoT Edge platform, EdgeX Foundry(EdgeX) allows devices belonging to different manufacturers with different protocols to be connected. On the other hand, OpenYurt extends the native K8S to the edge using only plugins, which supports all upstream K8S features. In this talk, we will present our edge-cloud solution that integrates EdgeX into OpenYurt. Our solution leverages EdgeX’s ability to manage a rich collection of edge devices and uses OpenYurt to manage servers in the edge environment.