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From YouTube: Kubernetes Robotics Edge Cluster System - Tomoya Fujita, Sony Corporation & Feng Gao, Sony China Ltd


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Kubernetes Robotics Edge Cluster System - Tomoya Fujita, Sony Corporation & Feng Gao, Sony China Limited

Sony R&D Center has been though robotics history and products for years. As robotics platform and Robotics Operating System (ROS) getting matured, there is a requirement to handle the distributed system integration. Using Kubernetes on edge cluster system, there are a lot of advantages such as application lifecycle, deployment and recovery. Also using CNI and ROS Data Distributed System, it can construct distributed system on edge cluster, so that multiple robots can connect directedly and work collaboratively for the specific task. We will share how we can use Kubernetes on edge including deployment robotics application and possible problems based on our experience. Furthermore, we will share our approach to support edge dependent platform with device-plugin to attach hardware resources and even virtual devices which access to the host system such as 3rd party application.