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From YouTube: Building a Multi-Node Cluster with K3s Using ARM Devices - Sergio Méndez


Building a Multi-Node Cluster with K3s Using ARM Devices - Sergio Méndez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Edge computing is coming as a way to improve user experience for applications, processing data near to the source. Sometimes in edge computing you share data between local machines and the cloud. If you are starting an edge computing project, you could be interested in taking advantage of containers on the edge. Here is where K3s shines to implement edge computing solutions on low resources environments that commonly use ARM devices. In this talk we are going to explore the key elements and best practices to build a K3s cluster on the edge using ARM devices. The talk will show how to build this cluster using Raspberry devices, showing how to configure your local network and a bare metal load balancer with MetalLB, and install other cloud native storage blocks such as Longhorn or OpenEBS. This to finally get a production ready K3s cluster. The talk also provides a quickstart to build edge computing environments for your needs, mentioning different use cases and challenges of this kind when building edge solutions.