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From YouTube: Istio success story: USAF CSO Nicolas Chaillan discusses Istio and DevSecOps adoption with Tetrate


The United States Air Force Chief Software Officer Nicolas Chaillan joins Tetrate's Zack Butcher - early Istio engineer and project steering committee member, to talk about the US Department of Defence's use of Open Source and Istio.

In this 'Ask Me Anything' session, Mr. Chaillan discusses the DoD's adoption and use of open source technology on everything from fighter jets to nuclear subs. He explains how everything they do is open source, and founded on the principles of DevSecOps. He details how the DoD saved 100 years in one year by moving 37 programs to DevSecOps, and around $12.5 million in the budget, per year, per program.

On Istio he adds how vital the move to the Open Usage Commons was for their continued adoption of Istio, and how Istio is the key to successful Zero Trust Architecture.

0:00 - 6:22 - Intro
6:22 - 12:02 - What is DevSecOps? Why was it necessary to adopt Istio?
12:02 - 18:58 - Organizational challenges in a multi-diverse environment
18:58 - 22:32 - How far have you come along on your journey? How many clusters do you run?
22:32 - 25:00 - What are some of the benefits that you have been able to get from Istio so far?
25:00 - 28:00 - Why Istio over other options?
28:00 - 30:00 - How do you upgrade Istio?
30:00 - 33:00 - Docker and Docker Security.
33:00 - 33:50 - Are you going with Hybrid deployments? And if you are going with hybrid deployments, how are you doing networking and keeping it secure?
33:50 - 36:04 - What's your metric and logging strategy?
36:04 - 38:10 - What's your approach to multi-tenancy
38:10 - 40:57 - How has adopting more open source impacted overall cybersecurity at DOD?
40:57 - 43:47 - Why adopt a full service mesh and not just an ingress controller?
43:47 - 45:36 - What were the challenges of adopting Istio? And were there any specific set of tweaks or optimizations, you had to do to be able to use it?
45:36 - 50:46 - What are your experience with Kubernetes at the edge? what are observed issues?
50:46 - 52:45 - What do you think you have been successful in bringing radical changes to DOD?
52:45 - 55:00 - How do you incorporate network compliances that are not part of the service mesh?
55:00 - 58:58 - For DOD contractors, how can they get involved with the joint program platform One?