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From YouTube: Engaging Your Execs - Telling Great Observability Tales Inspiring Action - Eric D. Schabell


Anyone embedded in the cloud native observability teams in any organization can voice their frustrations at not being taken seriously by their executive decision makers. This leads to way too much on-call stress, frustrations, and eventual burnout. With research showing us DevOps spending over 10 hrs a week on issues in their environments, we could all use quick action by our executives when we find ways to fix our cloud native issues. The trick is to tell the tales we accumulate in such a way as to engage, inspire, and effect change in our organizations. This session provides attendees with ample cloud native bedtime stories, tricks that make your tales land within the executive human mind, and actionable insights to head home with immediate results. Join me for a half hour of power where you are empowered to tell better observability stories for better executive decision outcomes.