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From YouTube: Building Observability Pipeline with Fluent-Bit - Chao Xu, LinkedIn


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Building Observability Pipeline with Fluent-Bit - Chao Xu, LinkedIn

This talk will discuss LinkedIn's efforts and experiences to build up the observability pipelines with the help of open source standards and tools, specifically OTEL and fluent-bit. Starting with tracing, we adopted the industry standard OpenTelemetry (OTEL), including both tracing schema and SDKs. This gave us a chance to leverage the already existing and supported tools and components. We also decided to introduce the transport agent to hide all the details of accessing the data backend from the application, therefore get the much needed multi-language support. (Not) surprisingly, Fluent-bit was chosen as our transportation agent, as opposed to the OTEL agent already provided in the OTEL SDK. This decision was made mainly based on the following considerations: - Kafka is our preferred and chosen centralized data collector - Log streaming is the required functionality. - Resource efficiency and performance. We also enhanced fluent-bit in the following ways: - OTEL transport agent with protobuf support - Metrics emission for Monitoring - Tag management and enhancement We'd be happy to contribute these enhancements back to the open source community in the future.