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From YouTube: The Amazing Trace: Enhancing Distributed WebAssembly With OTEL- Brooks Townsend, Cosmonic


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The Amazing Trace: Enhancing Distributed WebAssembly With OTEL- Brooks Townsend, Cosmonic

Have you ever looked back on a feature and wondered how you survived without it in the first place? This is exactly what OTEL did for wasmCloud, a CNCF sandbox application runtime for WebAssembly workloads on the server. As a platform focused on distributed computing, wasmCloud supports running applications on any platform, any cloud, and any edge. In such a distributed system it could be difficult to track down the source of issues, bottlenecks, and even where requests were even going in the first place. This talk focuses on the massive improvements wasmCloud saw after implementing tracing across its platform components. Aimed at reducing complexity for the developer, tracing is implemented at all stages behind-the-scenes and only requires an exporter to flip the observability switch.