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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Managing OpenTelemetry Through the OpAMP Protocol - Mike Kelly, observIQ


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Lightning Talk: Managing OpenTelemetry Through the OpAMP Protocol - Mike Kelly, observIQ

Managing thousands of data collection Agents across just as many servers can overwhelm DevOps teams. Open Agent Management Protocol (OpAMP) is a new network protocol from the OpenTelemetry Project that enables remote management of OpenTelemetry collectors, allowing them to report their status to and receive configuration from a Server and to receive agent package updates from the server. This eliminates the need to create new custom distributions and redeploy, drastically simplifying Agent management. OpAMP is also vendor-agnostic, so the Server can remotely monitor and manage a fleet of different Agents that implement OpAMP, including a fleet of mixed agents from different vendors. In this talk, Mike will detail the OpAMP specification and future possibilities being discussed by the community.