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From YouTube: Why Large-Scale Observability Needs Graph - Richard Benwell, SquaredUp


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Why Large-Scale Observability Needs Graph - Richard Benwell, SquaredUp

How do we make use of the increasing volume of observability data that we collect? Observability was inspired by control theory, but current observability solutions are missing a key element of that theory: the system model. We can’t understand the state of the system, or ‘answer unknown unknowns’ if we don’t know how the system works. We’re drowning in data but starved of answers. Graphs (think social network graph, not line graph) allow to understand how things are connected, and a new trend of graph databases including neo4j, AWS Neptune and Azure Cosmos have taken graph technology mainstream. This talk looks at early signs of how the observability community are beginning to leverage graph concepts – including Jaeger service graph, Backstage service catalog and eBay's Groot (root cause analysis) tool – and some of the opportunities and challenges around how observability data can reveal more answers with graph.