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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Metrics Make Meaning: Why the UpDownCounter? - Joshua MacDonald, Lightstep


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OpenTelemetry is a collection of tools, APIs, and SDKs. Use it to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data (metrics, logs, and traces) to help you analyze your software’s performance and behavior. Go here to learn more:

Lightning Talk: Metrics Make Meaning: Why the UpDownCounter? - Joshua MacDonald, Lightstep
JW Marriott Austin

Speakers: Joshua MacDonald
Link to join the virtual event:
The virtual event concludes at 1:50PM CDT; In-person event concludes at 5:00PM CDT

The OpenTelemetry metrics data model has richer semantics than its predecessors. Events captured through the OpenTelemetry metrics API are more than a just numbers in a line, they carry meaning. With the use of semantics-preserving data transformations, the production of meaning from metrics is decoupled from consumption and interpretation. Dimensional attributes applied to metrics in source-level instrumentation can be safely erased during collection, without loss of meaning, giving OpenTelemetry users new ways to control costs in their metric infrastructure.

In this lightning talk, Josh MacDonald will explain how, to accomplish this goal, OpenTelemetry metrics added a new kind of instrument, known as "UpDownCounter", to give the instruments individual semantics. To understand when UpDownCounter instruments should be used instead of Gauge instruments, first we have to understand the semantic distinction between counting and measuring. After sorting out instrument semantics, systems that graph OpenTelemetry metrics data can guide the user toward meaningful displays and even construct meaningful default dashboards from any metrics source.