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From YouTube: Ecosystem Tools to Select the Best Remote Storage Solution - Matvey Arye, Timescale


Don’t miss out! Join us at our next event: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 in Valencia, Spain from May 17-20. Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.

Ecosystem Tools to Select the Best Remote Storage Solution - Matvey Arye, Timescale

In the past year, the Prometheus ecosystem has developed multiple open-source tools to help users evaluate different remote storage systems to decide which one will better fit their needs. This talk will give users a high-level overview of a number of those tools and discuss how they can help users decide which remote storage system to use. The tools fall into three categories: compliance, benchmarking, and data migration. The first class of tools checks remote storage systems for compliance to the Prometheus standards. In particular, there is now a PromQL compliance suite that makes sure that query results are correct as well as a remote_write compliance suite. A remote_read compliance suite is in development. The second type of tool is a remote write benchmark which allows users to take their existing Prometheus TSDB blocks and “replay” them into any remote storage system that uses the remote_write protocol. During replay, users can choose to test various scenarios such as increased scrape speed or cardinality. The last type of tool allows users to migrate data from one remote-storage system to another. This prevents vendor lock-in and promotes flexibility for users as their storage needs change. We will go over the basics of how prom-migrator works and show a quick demo.