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From YouTube: Ups, let's revert! 🔥 Automating Kubernetes Rollouts with Argo a... Bartlomiej Płotka & Anais Urlichs


Don’t miss out! Join us at our upcoming event: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2021 in Los Angeles, CA from October 12-15. Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.

Ups, let's revert! 🔥 Automating Kubernetes Rollouts with Argo and Prometheus for HA - Bartlomiej Płotka & Anais Urlichs, Codefresh

"Thanks to Kubernetes, deploying and running applications in the cloud was never easier. Unfortunately, with the capabilities, desire for highly reliable services with strict minimal downtime SLO grows too. And we all know what increases risk of incidents: Upgrades!
Vanilla rollouts functionality works great for basic needs, but it lacks many advanced deployment strategies which can drastically reduce distruption time during critical production promotions, especially those failed ones. That’s were Argo Rollouts comes in, solving this need by introducing tiny shim over Kuberentes Deployment object. But with the power, comes the complexity and without proper observability and monitoring it can become unmanagable pretty quickly.

In this talk you will see demo showing an efficient way of setting up critical Prometheus monitoring and alerting for advanced Kubernetes deployment operations Argo allows. You will learn how to observe the progress of your rollouts, Blue-Green or Canary deployments, how to perform rollbacks without human intervention and how to only alert when humans have to be called!"