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From YouTube: Behind the Iron Curtain: Getting Metrics From the Browser into Prometheus [I] - Tom Wilkie


Behind the Iron Curtain: Getting Metrics From the Browser into Prometheus [I] - Tom Wilkie, Weaveworks

Prometheus has so far been pigeon holed as a monitoring technology for the backend; well, no more! With the rise of single-page apps, gathering metrics from within the browser has never been more important - latency as experienced by the user is much more important than any measurements taken from individual backend services. And if you can’t track Javascript errors that could potentially lead to blank screens, you should feel bad.

This talk presents a method for tracking UI metrics and errors with Prometheus. By getting this data into Prometheus, you can reuse the dashboarding and alerting options that you've grown to love. And by using a common monitoring stack across frontend and backend, you can finally claim the throne of the king of fullstack!

About Tom Wilkie
Tom is a Software Engineer at Weaveworks. Previously he was at Google as a Site Reliability Manager for Google Analytics. Before that he was Founder, VP Eng and CTO at Acunu, and before that a Software Engineer at XenSource. In his spare time, Tom likes to make craft beer and build home automation systems - and distributed tracers!
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