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From YouTube: Grafana is Not Enough: DIY User Interfaces for Prometheus [I] - David Kaltschmidt, Weaveworks


Grafana is Not Enough: DIY User Interfaces for Prometheus [I] - David Kaltschmidt, Weaveworks

This talk gives a quick overview of the currently available Prometheus UIs and shows ways to build your own interfaces to enable your workflows. Most popular among the UIs is Grafana, which works well with Prometheus and is lovely for dashboarding, but terrible for troubleshooting. What do you do if you want to slightly modify queries based on your dashboards? How can you explore the keys and values of your metric labels quickly? Having trouble remembering PromQL syntax? This talk presents small building UI blocks to get to your results faster and save the day.

David Kaltschmidt
David has been building UIs for the networking industry for over a decade. He is currently with Weaveworks and heads their Berlin office.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.