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From YouTube: How to Be 10x SRE? A Deep Dive to Prometheus Operator - Jayapriya Pai & Haoyu Sun, Red Hat


How to Be 10x SRE? A Deep Dive to Prometheus Operator - Jayapriya Pai & Haoyu Sun, Red Hat

Prometheus Operator is a fairly known solution for monitoring Kubernetes workloads using Prometheus. Many Cloud Native users benefit from Prometheus Operator CRD-based components like ServiceMonitors, PodMonitors, PrometheusRules, Probes which allows better configuration management, self-service or even multi-tenancy. Many things were said about Prometheus Operator in the past, but we believe there is room for a dedicated talk about the designed way of utilizing Prometheus Operator on production Kubernetes clusters. In this talk, Jayapriya a Prometheus Operator contributor from the Red Hat Monitoring team and her teammate Haoyu will explain all you need to know about the common usage patterns. The audience will see practical examples and learn advanced features like securing Prometheus with TLS, enabling robust remote write and operating AlertManager via Prometheus Operator. The talk will also summarize the monitoring and operating aspects of the Prometheus Operator itself, sharing first hand experience of maintaining Prometheus Operator in thousands of OpenShift clusters.