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From YouTube: ⚡Lightning Talk: Leveraging Prometheus Monitoring to Maximize Business Metrics with Iter8 - Alan Cha


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⚡Lightning Talk: Leveraging Prometheus Monitoring to Maximize Business Metrics with Iter8 - Alan Cha, IBM

Prometheus has grown to become one of the most popular tools for collecting and aggregating metrics for Kubernetes applications. These days, you’ll be hardpressed to find a Kubernetes application that is not using Prometheus. In this talk, we will present Iter8 (, an open source tool that takes advantage of Prometheus’ ubiquity in order to perform SLO validation and A/B tests for your Kubernetes apps and ML models. Iter8 conducts metrics-driven experiments to ensure that your apps and models are performant and maximize business value. During an experiment, Iter8 will query a metrics source, such as Prometheus, and use those metrics to determine which versions of your apps and ML models work the best. Best of all, you can set up these experiments in a simple and declarative way. We also want to show some of Iter8’s latest features, such as autoX, custom metrics, and multi-loop experiments, which allow Iter8 to automatically detect new versions and launch experiments, use metrics from any database or Kubernetes resource, and conduct experiments over a period of time, respectively.