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From YouTube: Service Mesh Interface: Developer Friendly APIs for Service Mesh - Michelle Noorali, Microsoft


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Service Mesh Interface: Developer Friendly APIs for Service Mesh - Michelle Noorali, Microsoft

The proliferation of service mesh technologies has led developers and operators alike wondering when and how to choose the right service mesh for their needs. It’s also hard to describe and build on top of the common features that service meshes provide. In this session we will introduce Service Mesh Interface (SMI), a common abstraction that allows service mesh users and operators the freedom to adopt service mesh concepts without being tied to a specific implementation, making the space more open and lowering the barrier for tools being built on top of these amazing technologies.

In this session, we will take a hands-on look at how SMI( integrates into three different service mesh runtimes, Istio, Linkerd, and Consul, explore the SMI specification and it’s core components, and look at the future of what SMI can provide.