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From YouTube: Tap Tap, Debugging an App with your Service Mesh - Jason Morgan, Buoyant


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Tap Tap, Debugging an App with your Service Mesh - Jason Morgan, Buoyant

Microservices are great for all kinds of reasons but troubleshooting issues in a distributed system is rarely easy. Add to that that getting multiple independent teams to agree to use a standard set of metrics or debugging strategies is really hard. Issues often turn into a blame game where DNS, Kubernetes, the network, or the mesh all take a turn. With Linkerd’s built in ability to tap into, and analyze traffic we can quickly identify and isolate problems. We can do that with zero code changes, without needing app teams to expose their own metrics or become experts in Kubernetes or the mesh. When a problem pops up Linkerd users can rely on the mesh as a single source of truth to help quickly identify issues and drive down MTTR.