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From YouTube: Observability with Consul Connect - Bram Vogelaar, Hot Potatoes


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Observability with Consul Connect - Bram Vogelaar, Hot Potatoes

Things like Infrastructure as Code, Service Discovery and Config Management can and have helped us to quickly build and rebuild infrastructure but we haven't nearly spend enough time to train our self to review, monitor and respond to outages. Does our platform degrade in a graceful way or what does a high cpu load really mean? What can we learn from level 1 outages to be able to run our platforms more reliably. We all love infrastructure as code, we automate everything ™. However making sure all of our infrastructure assets are monitored effectively can be slow and resource intensive multi stage process. During this talk we will investigate how we can setup and observe a service mesh platform using HashiCorp's Consul Connect by recording its metrics. logs and traces using Prometheus, Loki, Tempo and Grafana.