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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: GitOps and Controllers: It’s Not That Simple for Multi-cluster- Alex Ly,


Lightning Talk: GitOps and Controllers: It’s Not That Simple for Multi-cluster- Alex Ly,

GitOps has become a valuable approach to manage configuration for applications and infrastructure. Having a source of truth that can be automated, auditable, and is easy to understand is increasingly important when expanding to many deployments. However, enabling multi-cluster capabilities typically presents new challenges: not every cluster is the same, context is important, and managing every lower- level configuration across multiple environments can get cumbersome (and dangerous) quickly. This talk will focus on a specific example where multi-cluster GitOps is difficult: application-networking and security with service mesh. The goal is for platform teams to provide the right point of demarcation with abstractions that focus on the intent, while abstracting away the translation and orchestration of lower-level config (mesh-specific API resources in this case). We share our experiences building these abstractions with some of the largest deployments of service mesh in the world.