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From YouTube: How Many Proxies Do You Need? - Liz Rice & Thomas Graf, Isovalent


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How Many Proxies Do You Need? - Liz Rice & Thomas Graf, Isovalent

To provide app-level network functionality like L7 load balancing and TLS termination, Service Meshes use a proxy component that terminates L7 connections on behalf of applications. Traditionally the proxy has been co-located in each application pod as a sidecar container, but Cilium Service Mesh changed this with the innovation of sidecarless service mesh. Istio have also now adopted a sidecarless approach that was recently announced as Istio Ambient Mesh.

But “sidecarless” doesn’t mean “proxyless”! It’s a question of where you deploy the proxies, and how you create the relationship between apps and proxies. In this talk we’ll explore the pro’s and con’s of different models, and explain where eBPF makes a difference (and where it doesn’t) in not only network performance, but also to provide observability and security capabilities.