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From YouTube: Governing the Cloud Native Event Bus: Applying ServiceMesh to Knative E... Michael Costello (Part 1)


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Governing the Cloud Native Event Bus: Applying ServiceMesh to Knative Eventing Workshop - Michael Costello, Red Hat (Part 1)

In the cloud we expect our resources to be able to come and go and react to the environment around them in a way that meets our business needs. While we take on event streaming and serverless architectures to accomplish this need in the cloud, our new architectural constructs can be unwieldy and grow past our traditional attempts to apply authorization, authentication, rate limitation, policy, and other traditional enterprise requirements around our service interactions. In this workshop, we discuss the implications of event streaming and serverless architectures, and how we might re-inject governance models, mutual authentication, all the wonderful guardrails as well as observability a Service Mesh gives us (in our case, Istio) to cloud native event streaming serverless models (in our case, Knative Eventing with Apache Kafka). At the end of this presentation, participants should be able to assert viable architectural patterns to governing these service interactions and will be exposed to the technology behind an implementation of these approaches (via a demo!).