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From YouTube: Scalable Confidential Computing on Kubernetes with Marblerun- Moritz Eckert & Felix Schuster


Don’t miss out! Join us at our next event: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 in Valencia, Spain from May 17-20. Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.

Scalable Confidential Computing on Kubernetes with Marblerun- Moritz Eckert & Felix Schuster, Edgeless Systems GmbH

Confidential computing (CC) is a new and emerging security paradigm. It enables the always encrypted and verifiable processing of data on potentially untrusted hosts, e.g., the cloud or maybe even your local cluster. Do you wanna add an extra layer of data protection to your Kubernetes workloads? In this talk, we introduce the open-source project Marblerun and discuss the challenges that arise when you deploy CC-enabled workloads on K8s. Marblerun is the control plane for confidential computing, designed to run on Kubernetes. It is an open-source solution that extends the confidentiality, integrity, and verifiability properties of a single enclave to a Kubernetes cluster. Marblerun does not replace your service mesh; it is built to run alongside your existing cloud-native tooling. In essence, Marblerun simplifies deploying, scaling, and verifying end-to-end encrypted apps on vanilla K8s. We will demo how to CC-fy a cloud-native app and run it with K8s+Linkerd+Marblerun.