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From YouTube: Keynote: Software Supply Chains for Devops - Aysylu Greenberg, Google


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Keynote: Software Supply Chains for Devops - Aysylu Greenberg, Google

Several recent high-profile security incidents were due to compromised software supply chains. Software Supply Chain is a collective term used to describe the stages of software lifecycle from source to deployment through CI/CD pipelines, and all the static and dynamic analyses in between. In the world of microservices and cloud computing, trust in your company’s supply chain is critical, as most of the tooling and dependencies are from open source and vendor projects. When the code hits production, it’s essential to have enough observability to detect and investigate the problem and get to the root cause and mitigation as quickly as possible. With software supply chain attacks, not only is the newly deployed code under suspicion, but also all the tooling used to produce it becomes a potential attack vector, so an efficient and effective way to verify the integrity of the supply chain is paramount. This talk will discuss what information needs to be collected to allow DevOps to inspect and verify the integrity of the supply chain, the challenges of having the right level of detail to reduce mean-time-to-detection and mean-time-to-understanding, some of the existing solutions and open problems in this space.