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From YouTube: Finding Your Way: A Survey of Supply Chains - Aeva Black, Microsoft


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Finding Your Way: A Survey of Supply Chains - Aeva Black, Microsoft

With the explosion of interest in SBOMs, it's likely that you've just heard of a few projects for the first time -- even if those projects aren't new, they may be new to you, and you might be asking yourself, "how is X different from Y?" You might also be wondering which projects you should select in order to satisfy the requirements of the Executive Order!
As when starting out on any journey, before entering unfamiliar territory, it is important to understand the lay of the land, pack the right supplies, and get to know your traveling companions.
In this talk, a few maps of the open source supply chain landscape will be shared. Attendees will gain a sense of both the breadth and depth of the challenges ahead, and learn to identify a few essential types of tools for their journey.