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From YouTube: 2023-05-02 CNCF TAG Observability Meeting


## Kubecon EU O11y TAG session;
* Lots of interest on the common query language working group
WG: weekly; 1 hour; timezone
* Talk videos are now available on CNCF YT

## TOC update from May 2
* Project Community Health - TOC requested TAG O11y open up an issue to discuss

## Query Language WG discussion, next steps
* Topics: ML Observability (MLOps), Business benefits, ROI of observability tools, data to communicate to management, Cost Management, Real-life use cases of tracing platforms and best practices, OpenTelemetry for tracing - running it at scale, tracing data stores, O11y services - who is responsible for o11y in an org, is that a shared responsibility model; O11y pipelines and stacks - how folks are choosing their stacks; selection criteria vs. implementation; Discoverability of issues using tracing and metrics for root causing issues - what are best practices, use-cases; Data Protection considerations for o11y data - especially EU - both what are rules applied to o11y data and how is this done technically;

## Kubecon NA Chicago CFP is now open.
* CFP Closes: Sunday, June 18 at 11:59pm Central Daylight Time (UTC-6)
* CFP Notifications: Monday, August 28
* Schedule Announcement: Wednesday, August 30
* Slide upload deadline to Wednesday, November 1
* Event Date: November 6-10, 2023